Why learn to code ?
Intro to Coding
If you want to learn to code, this website is the best place to start, before digging later into your languages of choice.
We'll cover the core features everyone should know before starting to program. And we'll emphasize a few key themes and tools that'll be useful as you learn.
All programming languages have a handful of building blocks. When combined, they can create any program:
- variables - to store information like x = 5
- data types - to differentiate between numbers, text, etc.
- functions - to make little blocks for different tasks
- conditions - to make yes/no decisions
- loops - to repeat tasks as we please
Every concept, feature, technology, or best practice beyond these building blocks were invented to help us mere humans manage the complexity of larger and larger programs.
Why learn to code?
Learning how to code works is not only for developers - it can help everyone!
For example, you'll be able to:
- Automate everything! Save time and money!
- Make a website or a mobile app.
- Collaborate with other developers.
- Be your company's software expert.
- Most importantly, control technology so it doesn't control you!
At the end of the day, it will help to maximize your earning potential!
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